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analyzeText(String) - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionAnalyzer
Analyze a text for emotion.
analyzeText(String) - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.HateSpeechAnalyzer
Analyze a text for hate speech.
analyzeText(String) - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoAnalyzer
Analyze a text for sensitive information.
analyzeText(String) - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ToxicityAnalyzer
Analyze a text for toxicity.
ANGER - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.Emotion
asSet() - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoResult
Return a Set representing the SensitiveInfoResult.


ch.privately.owas.nlp - package ch.privately.owas.nlp
contains(SensitiveInfoMatch) - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoResult
Check if the analyzed text contained the given SensitiveInfoMatch.
containsAll(Collection<SensitiveInfoMatch>) - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoResult
Check if the analyzed text contained all the given SensitiveInfoMatch.
containsEmailAddress() - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoResult
containsHateSpeech(String) - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.HateSpeechAnalyzer
Analyze a text for hate speech.
containsProfanity(String) - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ProfanityAnalyzer
Test if a text contains some profanities.
containsUkPhoneNumber() - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoResult
containsUkPostcode() - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoResult


EMAIL_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoMatch
Emotion - Enum Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Enum encapsulating the emotions analyzed by the EmotionAnalyzer.
EmotionAnalyzer - Enum Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Class to extract the sentiments from a text.
EmotionResult - Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Representation of an emotion classification result.
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionResult
equals(Object) - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoResult


FEAR - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.Emotion


getEmotionScoreMap() - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionResult
getVersion() - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoAnalyzer


hashCode() - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionResult
hashCode() - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoResult
HateSpeechAnalyzer - Enum Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Class to analyze a text for hate speech content.
highestRankedEmotion() - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionResult


init() - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ProfanityAnalyzer
Initialize the ProfanityAnalyzer.
init() - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoAnalyzer
Initialise the sensitive info analyzer by initialising matchers.
init(Context) - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionAnalyzer
Initialise the emotion analyser by loading the model.
init(Context) - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.HateSpeechAnalyzer
Initialise the hate speech analyzer by loading the model.
init(Context) - Static method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.OwasNlpCore
Initialise the SDK.
init(Context) - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ToxicityAnalyzer
Initialise the toxicity analyzer by loading the model.
initAsync(Context, OwasNlpInitialisationCallback) - Static method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.OwasNlpCore
Initialise the SDK asynchronously.
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionAnalyzer
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.HateSpeechAnalyzer
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ProfanityAnalyzer
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoAnalyzer
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ToxicityAnalyzer
isLoaded() - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionAnalyzer
isLoaded() - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.HateSpeechAnalyzer
isLoaded() - Static method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.OwasNlpCore
Returns if the SDK has been initialised or not.
isLoaded() - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoAnalyzer
isLoaded() - Method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ToxicityAnalyzer


JOY - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.Emotion


LOVE - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.Emotion


NEUTRAL - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.Emotion


onComplete() - Method in interface ch.privately.owas.nlp.OwasNlpInitialisationCallback
Called when the initialisation is completed.
OwasNlpCore - Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Entry point for the NLP SDK.
OwasNlpInitialisationCallback - Interface in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Callback for SDK initialisation completion.


ProfanityAnalyzer - Enum Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Analyze a text for profanity.


SADNESS - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.Emotion
SensitiveInfoAnalyzer - Enum Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Class to analyze a text for sensitive information.
SensitiveInfoMatch - Enum Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
An enum encapsulating the different matches that the SensitiveInfoAnalyzer can catch.
SensitiveInfoResult - Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Result of an analysis by the SensitiveInfoAnalyzer.
SURPRISE - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.Emotion


toString() - Method in class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionResult
ToxicityAnalyzer - Enum Class in ch.privately.owas.nlp
Class to analyze a text for toxic content.


UK_PHONE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoMatch
UK_POSTCODE - Enum constant in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoMatch


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.Emotion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionAnalyzer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.HateSpeechAnalyzer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ProfanityAnalyzer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoAnalyzer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoMatch
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ToxicityAnalyzer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.Emotion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.EmotionAnalyzer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.HateSpeechAnalyzer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ProfanityAnalyzer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoAnalyzer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.SensitiveInfoMatch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ch.privately.owas.nlp.ToxicityAnalyzer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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