The following classes are available globally.
Main entry point to the SDK. Before using any component, the SDK should be initialised here.
See moreDeclaration
public class OwasNlpCore
Class to extract the sentiments from a text.
It is a good idea to test that the model is loaded before calling analyze(). A simple use case to analyze a text for prevalent emotions would be:
See morefunc classifyText(text: String) -> EmotionResult? { if (EmotionAnalyzer.sharedInstance().isLoaded()) { return EmotionAnalyzer.sharedInstance().analyze(text: text) } return nil }
public class EmotionAnalyzer
Class to analyze a text for hate speech content.
It is a good idea to test that the model is loaded before calling analyze(). A simple use-case to test a text for hate speech would be:
See morefunc classifyText(text: String) -> Double? { if (HateSpeechAnalyzer.sharedInstance().isLoaded()) { return HateSpeechAnalyzer.sharedInstance().analyze(text: text) } return nil }
public class HateSpeechAnalyzer
Class to analyze a text for hate speech content.
It is a good idea to test that the model is loaded before calling analyze(). A simple use-case to test a text for hate speech would be:
See morefunc classifyText(text: String) -> Bool { if (ProfanityAnalyzer.sharedInstance().isLoaded()) { return ProfanityAnalyzer.sharedInstance().containsProfanity(text: text) } return false }
public class ProfanityAnalyzer
Class to analyse a text for sensitive information.
It is a good idea to test that the model is loaded before calling analyseText(). A simple use-case to test a text for sensitive information would be:
See morefunc classifyText(text: String) -> Score? { if (SensitiveInfoAnalyzer.sharedInstance().isLoaded()) { return SensitiveInfoAnalyzer.sharedInstance().analyse(text: text) } return nil }
public class SensitiveInfoAnalyzer
Class to analyze a text for toxic content.
It is a good idea to test that the model is loaded before calling analyze(). A simple use-case to get the toxicity of a text would be:
See morefunc classifyText(text: String) -> Score? { if (ToxicityAnalyzer.sharedInstance().isLoaded()) { return ToxicityAnalyzer.sharedInstance().analyze(text: text) } return nil }
public class ToxicityAnalyzer
Representation of an emotion classification result. The supported emotions are:
"anger", "fear", "joy", "love", "neutral", "sadness" and "surprise"
See moreDeclaration
public class EmotionResult : CustomStringConvertible, Codable
Result of an analysis by the SensitiveInfoAnalyser.
See moreDeclaration
public class SensitiveInfoResult : CustomStringConvertible, Codable
Result of an analysis by the TriggerWordsAnalyser.
See moreDeclaration
public class TriggerAnalysisResult : CustomStringConvertible, Codable