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adjustBrightness(float[][][], float) - Static method in class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation.ImageAgeDetector
AgeEstimationImageCallback - Interface in ch.privately.ageestimation.image
Describes the interface to be implemented for age estimation callbacks
AgeEstimationImageCore - Enum in ch.privately.ageestimation.image
Core singleton enum to manage image age estimations.
AgeEstimationImageResult - Class in ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation
Encapsulates the result of an age estimation.
analyseImage(Bitmap, boolean) - Method in class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation.ImageAgeEstimationView
antiSpoofing(Bitmap) - Method in class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation.FaceAntiSpoofing
argMax(float[]) - Static method in class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.Utils
argMax(int[]) - Static method in class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.Utils
authenticate(String, String, PrivatelyCore.AuthenticationCallback) - Method in enum ch.privately.core.PrivatelyCore
Authenticate the library and any Privately SDKs.
AutofitTextureView - Class in ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation
Texture view used to display the recorded video/captured image.
AutofitTextureView(Context) - Constructor for class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation.AutofitTextureView
AutofitTextureView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation.AutofitTextureView
AutofitTextureView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation.AutofitTextureView
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