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ch.privately.ageestimation.image - package ch.privately.ageestimation.image - package
ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation - package ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation
ch.privately.core - package ch.privately.core
clearAgeEstimationCallbacks() - Method in enum ch.privately.ageestimation.image.AgeEstimationImageCore
Clear all age estimation callbacks.
convertDpToPixel(float, Context) - Static method in class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation.FaceOverlayView
This method converts dp unit to equivalent pixels, depending on device density.
convertPixelsToDp(float, Context) - Static method in class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation.FaceOverlayView
This method converts device specific pixels to density independent pixels.
createFlippedBitmap(Bitmap) - Static method in class ch.privately.ageestimation.image.estimation.ImageAgeDetector
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